April 2, 2010 7:31:00 PM EST
Dave said...
learn how to have fun and laugh it up. then people will see you as a fun person, and actually enjoy your company

April 3, 2010 12:20:00 AM EST
Jake Turner said...
Agreed that it's better to have personality over looks in terms of getting laid, but I think you underestimate how much looks grease the wheels.

Height is another matter altogether, as it's so tied into social dominance that it gives a HUGE advantage to tall guys over short guys. I'm 5'7" and have to be really on the ball for women who are more than an inch taller than me to even consider me in a sexual light.

But I would still pick tight game over being 6'4" and big muscles and no game.

Game has changed my self-perception massively. When I was younger I used to beat myself up because I thought my ok looks and lack of height had condemned me to a lifetime of mediocre women. Now I realise they're no real barrier at all.

In fact, last week a girl I went on a date with who was an 8 told me I was the most "conventionally handsome" guy she'd ever been with, which nobody would ever have told me before I got confident and charming.

While game makes some guys jaded about women, from where I'm at I'm so glad that women are less "shallow" about looks than men, even if they're shallow in other respects.

April 4, 2010 4:38:00 AM EST
randian said...
Clearly, my looks don’t play much of a role past the initial approach.

As if that were a trivial part of the encounter. Game is irrelevant if she's mentally eliminated you before you get within 20 feet of her. It's a classic sales problem: you can't sell to an unwilling buyer.

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