I have DD’s. It’s a love-hate relationship. Part of me accepts the fact that I’ve been “blessed” with big boobs. But I’ve also juggled with the idea of taking them down to a larger C. For now though, I’m just attempting to “be grateful for what I have.” At least I’m not hauling around a pair that’s double what I already have.

My two biggest complaints are: 1.) Strapless bras. I’ve yet to find one that can do a good job of holding the girls in. So I’m missing out on a lot of cute clothes! 2.) Shirts/dresses that have specific places for boobs – because mine never FIT in “the boobie zone.”

Obviously, no boy I’ve ever met has complained about them.

As for fake boobs: If they’re done tastefully, I think they’re hot. I have a few friends that have fake boobs, and I feel they were nicely done. You can’t even really tell.. the only reason I know, is because I’ve had several suggest their doctors to me, when I’ve talked about taking mine down in size.

Woman who get obnoxiously large fake boobs though.. not so much. To me, they’re just trying to hard. And it’s trashy looking.
Jenni´s last blog ..Life: It’s Overwhelming My ComLuv Profile

 VJ says:
April 28, 2010 at 7:36 pm
# Where do you stand on boobs — big or small?

Yes, but never on them, really. Either, actually are just fine.

# Are you a boobs or butts person?

Yes, thanks.

# If you’re a woman, do you wish you were bigger? Smaller?

Man, probably smaller, but hey it comes with age too.

# What about fake boobs?

Huge lucrative industry & CA would likely sink slowly into the sea without all the added buoyancy. Most look pretty silly & obvious though, which might just be the post modernist point. Cheers, ‘VJ’

Kat Wilder
Twitter: youshouldknowca
April 28, 2010 at 9:22 pm
Life's inequity: If a cute guy stares at our boobs, it's OK. If he's not, he's a creep.

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