by KAL on 2005 Nov 3 - 15:58 | reply to this comment
I'm quite overwhelmed. This could turn a person's head!

Taken In Hand is sort of what I've always been looking for too, though it took me a while to realise it. I was very disconcerted when I discovered this site. I couldn't really visualise my husband being the sort of calm, authoratative person that I hankered for, since like me he is very highly strung with a tendency to fly off the handle rather easily. It turned out though that I was quite mistaken about this, he can actually do it very well.

I do find myself in a state of rebellion from time to time, especially when he's complaining about something I've done or (more often) something I haven't done. I still get those turning him into a rat and setting the cat on him fantasies occasionally, but they don't last long. I agree with you about chanelling the negative passion into a more positive one, it seems to work like that for us too.

I hope you enjoy the martial arts class, it's nice that your daughter wants you to do it with her, it's great that you have an interest you can share. I'm sure you'll manage to refrain from beating up your husband!

by Louise C on 2005 Nov 3 - 18:24 | reply to this comment
Sorry, didn't mean to overwhelm you
I laughed again you said "'s great that you have an interest you can share..." I didn't say it was an interest we share, I said it's something I'm going to do! I'm terrified about it. I feel like I'm packing up and moving to a strange place again and throwing a fit "Please don't make me go!!" Nobody is "making me" go. I'll do this, and who knows? Perhaps I'll find that I like it, but it is not something I thought would be something great to do with her (or at all, or alone, ever in my life for any reason). As I approach the fear I keep telling myself to be open to new experiences and that some of the most frightening things I've ever engaged in have, in the end, turned out to be most rewarding.

I'm quite certain I'll refrain from physically attacking my husband. He can easily lift me off my feet with one hand. Martial arts or not, I could not "take him", nor would I want to. I love him.

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