To compare it with work makes sense. I want to keep my job for many reasons, fun isn`t one of them. I do not find it fun to work at my job and dealing with sometimes unfriendly costumers but I love the feeling of being able to acclomplish something else but being a housewife. Not that I don`t like being a houswife but it is for me a more satisfying feeling to get out of the house and be part of the working world.

It may be true that some men are gifted with a charisma that women respond to, indicated by a weakening in their knees, a flushing of their face, or a tingling sensation down below, but I think too much is made of this trait. It is really a rather neutral trait and is only meaningful if the man has developed other qualties that are necessary for the full flowering of a relationship between a man and his woman.

Some of the most selfish, egotistical men I have ever known had this strange power over women. This trait may get the man in the door, but will not be enough when it gets down to more practical concerns and needs of a woman's heart. As a woman matures she realizes that she needs more from a man. She leaves aside her sily school girl infatuations. Instead she comes to realize that what she really needs is for him to be patient, possess self control, and demonstrate a loving concern for her well being. Certainly, self confidence is important, but that does not come naturally, but only through self awareness, self discipline, self determination, and real accomplishments. Once a man has command over himself, then even the less "gifted" man is able to move her with the tone of his voice or his raised eyebrow. There is much to say about the self made man.

The alpha male may be attractive when seen on the silver screen or from across the office where a fevered imagination is given free reign, but he will quickly lose favor if he has proven himself to be shallow and self involved.

by Stephen on 2005 Oct 29 - 21:38 | reply to this comment First In, First Out versus First In, Last Out

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